Should the suggested carpet areas, and member details be mentioned in a clear-cut manner? Redevelopment Documents Would it not be prudent to have professionals like PMC during the entire process, right from the beginning? Execution, Initiating Redevelopment
When should society decide to go for cluster redevelopment and also what are the challenges? Pre Tendering Stage Some important conditions are to be incorporated in the offer letter for developers or builders. Tendering Stage A lot of societies ask the developer to quote first and then they appoint a professional. Is that right? Tendering Stage
What are the precautions that can be taken by society while going for redevelopment? Redevelopment types and its journey benefits and Challanges What should General Terms and conditions be while going for redevelopment? Tendering Stage Many people like dhobis have encroached upon the society plot, what is the remedy? Consent Some developers say they will be loading only members’ TDR since it is going to come on upper floors Initiating Redevelopment
Key Considerations for Appointing a Developer in a Redevelopment Project. Making Informed Choices: Essential Terms to Evaluate in a Development Agreement. What are the important Terms and condition that the society should consider before singing of DA / DMA with a developer
Process with respect to share certificate when the membership is not complete? Whether in such cases, can society go for the redevelopment?
What is the remedy in cases where there is stay on transfer on one flat in a private matter in court? How does a society proceed with redevelopment in that case?